How to create Fill in the blanks 

The Fill in the blanks allows eLearning designers to create cloze tests. Portions of words or sentences are removed from a text and the learner is asked to replace the missing text.

Accessing H5P in Canvas

You can access H5P in Canvas through the Rich Content Editor (RCE), which is accessible via the edit view of Page, Assignment, Discussion Board, Announcement and Quiz questions. 

For this example, we will be adding H5P onto a Canvas page. The first thing you will need to do is either open the page you want to embed the H5P content into or create a new page. Then click the ‘Edit’ button which will open the RCE. (You will automatically go into edit mode if you create a new page.) 

Next, you will need to locate H5P in the RCE toolbar by clicking on the more external tools icon.

Image Placeholder

Clicking on that menu item will open a pop-up showing your H5P library. From here, you will have the option to either insert previously created content or create something new. 

Select the New content option and choose Fill in the blanks from the list of Content types: 

Fill in the blanks editor

The Fill in the blanks question editor should now appear. The editor looks like this:

The Fill in the blanks editor consists of Task description and Text blocks.

Task description 

In the Task description field, give the learner basic instructions or introduce the problem to be solved.

Text blocks

Under Text blocks, add three sentences and define which words are to be removed for the learner to identify.

Add multiple text blocks, and you can remove multiple words in each text block. 

By default, only a single Text block is displayed when you create a new Fill in the blanks.

Press the Add text block button to add more Text blocks

To remove a word insert asterisks before and after the word, we would like to remove, like this:

Insert the correct plural form of the noun strawberry: *strawberries*

In the screenshot above, we have used the text formatting toolbar to highlight strawberry in italics.

For this example, we want to allow the learner to insert both the number 6 as well as the word six.

We can define alternative answers by using a slash to separate the accepted alternative answers inside the asterisks, like this:

Tom has 2 strawberries. Jill gives him 4 more strawberries. Now, Tom has *6/six* strawberries.

You should now have something like this:

Add as many Text blocks as you want. Remove Text blocks by pressing the  button in the top right corner of the Text block. You change the order of the Text blocks by pulling the  button in the top left corner of the Text block.

If you need instructions on how to create content you can press the "Show instructions" button at any time and the instructions block will open. It looks like so:

Try again button

Check the Enable "Try again" button checkbox to allow the learner to try to solve the Fill in the blanks multiple times.

Case Sensitive

Check or uncheck the Case sensitive checkbox.

Finishing up 

Save and Insert to view your finished Fill in the blanks