As an instructor, you can use Direct Share to share individual quizzes in your course with other lecturers in your institution. When you share a new quiz, any assets within that quiz (images, files, etc.) will be included in the shared file.


  • Direct Share requires the Direct Share feature option, which can be enabled for an entire account.
  • To share course content, you must have the Course Content - add / edit / delete permission enabled.
  • Shared content does not count against course or user quotas.

To send a quiz to another lecturer in Canvas, complete the following steps. 

  1. In the Module Navigation of your module, click Quizzes.
  2. Find the quiz you wish to send, then click the quiz options icon (⋮). Select Send to....
  3. Type the name of the lecturer you want to send the quiz to in the Send to field and click on their name when it displays. 
  4. Note: You can send the new quiz to multiple instructors at one time.

  5. Click Send. Canvas displays a notification when content sends successfully. When an instructor receives shared content, a notification displays on the user's Account icon and in the Shared Content link.