You can share your H5P content and collaborate with your peers on its creation. You can also publish it for use on your own website after your module is completed. 

These things can be completed using the options at the bottom of your H5P content creation window. 

Display Options

A Display Options window is automatically included at the bottom of the page when creating interactive content. 
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From this window there is a variety of options you can edit such as Display, Publish, Folder, Collaborators, Sharing and LTI Settings. 

This tab provides 3 types of publishing status for the content. 

  • Unpublished - This content can't be inserted into Canvas. 
  • Protected - This is set by default, the content can be inserted into Canvas. 
  • Public - This content is visible to the public using a link, it can be inserted into Canvas.
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Use this tab to choose who can Edit the content. Add user by typing name into the field provided.Image Placeholder

Use this tab to share your content within the organisation folders. Sharing your content means it is available for everyone in the organisation to view and clone.

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