Ouriginal is an award-winning software solution that combines text-matching with writing style analysis, enabling educators and users to assess the authenticity of any text. Ouriginal as an anti-plagiarism tool is more deeply integrated into Canvas and will replace Turnitin. To create an Ouriginal assignment, simply create an assignment as you usually would in Canvas.

Creating an Ouriginal assignment

The below steps will focus only on those steps that differ for the purpose of creating an Ouriginal assignment. For detailed steps on this, please see How to create an assignment in Canvas.

In your canvas module, there will be an additional option in the assignment for Plagiarism Review when creating your assignment.

Plagiarism review option in Canvas

  • Submission type - From the dropdown select Online
  • Online entry options - Click the option File Uploads
  • Plagiarism review - From the dropdown select Ouriginal

Plagiarism review section in Canvas

  • Plagiarism review - Once selected you will be presented with 3 additional options
  1. Whether the student submissions should be anonymous or not
  2. Whether the student submissions should be added to the repository against which original checks for plagiarism
  3. When the results of the anti-plagiarism are made available to students

  • Choose when the Ouriginal report should be made available to students from one of the options available in the dropdown

Option to reveal report to students

Accessing Ouriginal results

The below steps will focus only on those steps that differ for the purpose of using SpeedGrader to view Ouriginal assignment results. For detailed steps on this, please see How to use SpeedGrader

You can access the results of the Ouriginal review in the SpeedGrader for the assignment

  • Within SpeedGrader, if you see a clock icon next to the student submission. This indicates that Ouriginal is currently checking the submission for plagiarism.

Clock icon SpeedGrader

  • When Ouriginal has completed the check, this area will display a plagiarism score for you to review.

Ouriginal Score

  • Click on this percentage score to be brought to the original report

For more information on this, please see our article on How to Access your Ouriginal Results