When Ouriginal checks students’ submissions, the software will provide a link - in the speedgrader in Canvas and/ or via email - to the Ouriginal plagiarism Analysis for each students’ submission.

This will bring you to the report, which is hosted on the Ouriginal platform.

 You can click on this percentage score in speedgrader to be brought to the ouriginal report
 You may also receive an email with a link to the ouriginal report

The first section of the MTU Ouriginal result - along the top of the screen - is an analysis overview. This offers a number of perspectives you can use to examine the potential plagiarism. 

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This first section provides an overview of plagiarism findings which indicates how many of the total pages contain potential plagiarism and what percentage of potential plagiarism is detected on each page  (this is also represented by the orange colour). From here, you have a number of options:

  • You can click on the option to VIEW ALL PAGES on the right-hand side to see the full list of pages.
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You can also click on a specific page section to gather an overview of the on potential plagiarism for that page

  • You can click on VIEW DETAILS to see more detailed findings for that page.

  • You can also click the button to INCLUDE IN ANALYSIS to include this page as a potential plagiarism or not.

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