You may open findings tab of your similarity report and see similar information to the image below under Matching Text

Image Placeholder

The error you have received above is due to the document being used as the primary source, being in a location that is inaccessible. Often you see this message if the source document is a student submission in a different University for example. You can still find the source document by changing to an alternative source, the steps outlined below will help you do this.

With the findings tab open:

1. Click the option icon (⋮)

2. Select View Alternatives

3. Click the downward chevron to identify alternate sources

4. Select source using the level option

5. Click Save and Continue

Note: The switching to alternatives popup window will only display a maximum of 3 alternative options at a time. So if an accessible article is not available after selecting the first 3 options, follow the steps above again. If the same source document that cannot be displayed keeps showing up in your findings you can remove it as a source. The steps to do so can be found here.

Note: If you have received a similarity report that has returned a low or a 0% similarity score and after reviewing yourself you feel this may be incorrect. Please reach out to the TEL Team at where we can work with you on further analysis.