If you select the option to VIEW DETAILS in the Ouriginal Analysis results, you will be provided with a breakdown for the page in question, providing an overview of potential plagiarism findings. From here, you can select:
  1. “Include in analysis” to include this page as potential plagiarism or not

  2. “Quotes” to determine if material in quotes should be included as potential plagiarism or not

  3. “Brackets” to determine if material in brackets should be included as potential plagiarism or not

  4. “Detailed text differences” to determine if Ouriginal should include general or specific material as potential plagiarism or not.

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Lower on the page, you can see the percentage match for the page and at the base of the page you can see the potential plagiarism sources.

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You can select the options for NEXT HIGHLIGHT and PREVIOUS HIGHLIGHT at the base of the screen to move forward to the previous/ next page findings.

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