Most questions in Canvas New Quizzes are auto-corrected, but some questions (SAQs, or file upload questions, for instance) may require manual review by lecturers to mark student responses.

To access student submissions for a quiz and to manually mark any question which require manual intervention, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the quiz you want to access.
  2. From the quiz settings, click Build
  3. Click the Moderate tab. This will provide you with a list of student attempts, how each student scored and the logs for each students' quiz attempt.
  4. If you click into a student's attempt, then you can view how they answered each question and what marks they received. For any questions which require manual intervention:
  • Items that require manual grading display a grey border [1].
  • To give a student full points for an answer, click the Checkmark button [2].
  • To give a student no points for an answer, you click the X button [3].
  • You can also use the Arrow buttons to increase or decrease the score [4].